Countdown to Catching Fire!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Gale gets married?

While no marriage was mentioned in the books, at least for Gale, Liam Hemsworth has recently announced his engagement to former co-star from Last Song, Miley Cyrus. There are already rumors of plans for children and his family apparently loves her. My first thought is that this had better not interfere with his willingness to act in the movies coming up. If it does, I will throw a gigantic fit, bigger than my little sister's temper tantrums when she was two. Believe me, that is a big fit. Not nessecarily because I am attached to him, just that I think finding a replacement would be ridiculous and that it would ruin continuity between movies. Anyways, if he did end up quitting, who would you want to play Gale? This can either be a look-alike or someone else who you just think would make a good Gale. Thanks for reading, and let me know who you think would be a good Gale.

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