Countdown to Catching Fire!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mockingjay so good it needs to be split into two movies?

Apparently Mockingjay is going to be split into two movies. The release dates are going to be November 21, 2014, and November 20, 2015 (if you remember Catching Fire will be released November 22 of 2013, anyone else see anything funny? Nope...just me?...okay...). Anyways, there are a few different spots the movies could be split. These are: When District 13 was bombed, but maybe the movie could be altered so that there was a large battle as opposed to a bombing. The next is when Peeta gets rescued and he strangles her. The final is when Katniss goes to District Two and does the speech, but gets shot. I am going to do a poll for which you prefer. Honestly, I like the one where Katniss goes to District Two and gets shot, personally, but they are all good split points. I don't really like the first, at least not if they are going to change the plot. Anyways, enjoy the next few days with out me. I will be at State Contest for 4-H so no posts. Thanks. Love ya!
-Shorty out!

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